To view the offers of a Hive and, possibly, to order, you must be registered as a Member of this Hive.
To do this, once registered on the website, click on "Join a Hive" on the home page:
If, when you sign-in to your Hive, it is written at the top of the page:
It means that no sales are currently in progress. You will have to wait a little time.
If your Hive does not have an open sale, you will be notified by email about the launch of the next sale.
In the meantime, we invite you to see if another Hive close to you can suit your desires, while you wait for the next sale of your "favorite" Hive!
To find out how to join a new Hive, click here.
If a sale is in progress, click on "Choose the products" button at the top of your Hive's home page, to the right of "Collection of..." :
You see the product selected this week by your host.
From the categories bar, you could see all the products available this week (All products), those you use to order (My past purchases) or choose a category (Bakery for example) (1).
You could also search for a particular product (2).
Once a category selected, you could select :
- a subcateory (3) ;
- organic products only (4) ;
- a producer (5).
In order to add a product to your basket, if it has only one offer click on Add (6) ; in case it has several, click on Choose (7)
Total amount of your order is display in the Basket (8).
Once you have added all your desired products to your shopping cart, click on "Basket" in the menu bar at the top of the page, and click on "View and confirm this order":
Your current shopping cart is displayed. You have the possibility to review its contents one last time before clicking on Confirm this order :
- you can click on the Remove button, associated with a product you no longer wish to order
- you can also change the quantity by clicking on the unit present next to each product
- you can return to the sale by clicking on < Continue my shopping